Music magazines (percentages represent year-on-year change)
The Fly - 108,207 (0.4%)
Mojo - 91,678 (-6.2%)
Q - 89,450 (-10.7%)
RWD -78,867 (1.7%)
Uncut - 74,067 (-3.2%)
Classic Rock - 70,323 (0.0%)
Metal Hammer - 44,034 (-4.3%)
Kerrang! - 44,013 (1.8%)
New Musical Express - 33,875 (-17.3%)
We can see from this, readers of music magazines are falling. This means I need to create a new, interesting magazine that attracts my target reader. My magazine could include gig tickets, electronic goods, clothing ext for prizes that focus on today’s youth to boost the number of readers.